
ToLazyForaUsername2 t1_jd7racw wrote

Simeon sat at the table, tapping his finger on the table as him and the guests waited for dinner.

Simeon couldn't help but feel that something was strange about this dinner, he was aware that Elijah had issues with his eyes being more sensitive to light, but surely that would mean he would wear sunglasses, instead of only lighting his house with candles. Now that he thought about it the symbols carved into the walls, and the... unique decorations were also strange.

But Simeon pushed the question to the back of his mind as he heard Maria speak. Maria: "Hey Joseph, when do you think the detective will arrive?"

Joseph: "I don't know, but we could also ask the same thing about El-"

Simeon: "I am here"

Maria: "Oh, sorry, it must be a trick of the light"

Joseph: "I feel someone should wake up Elijah, he did say for someone to wake him up when you arrived"

Maria: "I will do it" [Maria gets up from her seat and exits the candlelight, her footsteps are heard heading to the door to the second staircase] [The door opens then closes]

Simeon: "So Joe, why does Elijah need to be woken up?"

Joseph: "Oh, it's just that the man is old, and he hasn't been getting the most sleep due to the fear of death keeping him up"

Simeon: "Ah, well he is still strong, I'd give him a few decades of lif-" [Simeon is interrupted as Maria is heard screaming]

Joseph: "That came from the fourth floor!"

Simeon: "Alright, which way is the faster way to get to her?"

Joseph: "I know this house like the back of my hand, follow me!" [Joseph runs into the darkness and Simeon follows]

[Soon they are in Elijah's room, they see blood covering the floor and Maria standing horrified, though they can see very little due to something obscuring the candle]

Joseph: "Maria! Are you alright?!"

Maria: "This can't be real, we were just speaking to him, we were just speaking to him" [Maria is crying]

Joseph: "What do you mean?"

[Simeon walks to see what is obscuring the candle] [It is a corpse]

[It is Simeon's corpse]