
TheUberMedic786 t1_j9j1g7e wrote

I'm so damn close to my endgame but there's always something to go "no this isn't it". I'm happy with my headphones but it's my DAC/AMP.

Started off with an iFi Zen stack and it worked great with my PS5 and laptop... While I was at my desk. Turns out I barely use my desk and more lying in bed so most of the time it'd be unused.

Those went out and in came the FiiO BTR7. Again, worked great with my PS5 and laptop while letting me use my phone as well but the battery life was kinda crappy for my usage. Was always charging it and I was always worried about running out of charge when going outside.

That went out and now I have a FiiO M11 Plus. Battery - good, sound - good, now it stores all my music in one convenient place so all good now right? WRONG. It has massive lag in USB DAC mode and doesn't even work with my PS5 so I can't use it for gaming. Bought a FiiO K3 so I could use my headphones with my PS5 cause of it. A DAP is along the lines of what's endgame for me but it just needs the right software.

One day, I'll find the right endgame...