
TheRealSpez t1_jb8c4pk wrote

I’m not really a hot dog person, but from what I’ve seen, those will usually run you $3-$4, maybe $5 with fries.

I’m sure I was exaggerating a bit, but I haven’t seen a beef for less than $7.50 in years. Normally in the city, I’m looking at $9.00+, especially when adding hot peppers (I also like cheese sauce on my beef, so that will often put me over $10.00).


TheRealSpez t1_j4yr7ct wrote

Not sure if you’re a good person to ask, but here we go…

How do I find a good bank to do business with? I want my money to be secure without any shadiness and have a good credit card to use with it. I’d also prefer it to be a national bank for ease of use in case I’m traveling or move. I currently bank with Chase, but they’ve started taking money out of my savings account even though I meet their requirements to not have my money taken.


TheRealSpez t1_itdmcp8 wrote

It could be, but it might not be.

I was tested for COVID, flu, RSV, and strep, and was negative for all of them. It was just some sort of viral laryngitis/bronchitis, and my doctor said that they’ve been seeing it a lot.

Regardless, it doesn’t really matter. We treat all viral respiratory the same— drink water, take meds, sleep. Not much you can do but wait and treat symptoms. I was only getting tested because it was going to affect my medical treatment (physical therapy) if it was COVID


TheRealSpez t1_isxutmo wrote

This is a really good analogy.

I don’t know the exact background of most astronauts, but Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin both had specialized degrees related to aerospace engineering and were incredibly gifted fighter pilots. Additionally, Buzz Aldrin got a doctorate from MIT, and Neil Armstrong was accepted to to there for his bachelor’s, but decided to go to Purdue instead.

They didn’t just choose brutes who may have been able to survive, and they didn’t just choose nerds who could kind of understand what was going on. They found freaks of nature that could do it all and were ready to potentially die miserably with little recourse.