
TheHeigendov t1_j4793v0 wrote


People disagreed, sure, but who's model of the unconscious are you familiar with? Jung's or Franz Brentano's? How often have you seen the idea of the collective unconscious pop up in pop culture?

>There are probably thousands of people that were persecuted over this bullshit concept.

Remember that Freud originally said his patients were likely being molested by their parents, and was forced to walk back those comments after a large amount of public outcry. Also, remember that he was one of the first psychiatrists to renounce the his own sexual fantasy root cause theory in 1905, a good 75 years ahead of the rest of the world.


TheHeigendov t1_j45husf wrote


TheHeigendov t1_j42kl4x wrote

Hello. I'm Albert Camus, Of Camus' Own Thoughts For Youse. I'm telling you folks this is amazing, the world's first canned soundbites. knock knock See? Tin. Forget books, forget everything else. Its all meaningless in the face of the Absurd. That is not a bad thing. It simply is.


TheHeigendov t1_j25495f wrote

>It’s really not crazy to think a company wouldn’t want to be the go-to example.

Of course its not, but why would coca-cola see themselves this way? I don't see much criticism of their supposed creation of what I have dubbed The Post-Modern Sinterklaas, though I have seen much nostalgia.


TheHeigendov t1_j252602 wrote

>(Also who the fuck said anything about “creating Santa clause”)

The modern image of santa claus*. Thank you for being pedantic, I'm sure that was cathartic for you.


TheHeigendov t1_iy5r326 wrote

>we can’t see the meaning of things as the Omniscient could, in a perfect way, in perfect categories, but we we can see meaning through our imagination. We create it, yet it exists as a possibility of the things.

so do you believe the essence of a thing preceeds its existence? Is the conceptual, in your mind, more pressing in regard to the nature of a thing than the physical?