TheDeHymenizer t1_jacnpyq wrote
dang youngsters making such a ruckus!
Nah your just getting old. People who aren't supposed to sit in the reserved bus seats is something that's been going on since the created reserved bus seats.
TheDeHymenizer t1_ja9k9cy wrote
the avocado toast industry is safe here for another decade at the least
TheDeHymenizer t1_j9yp11t wrote
Reply to Old school Chinese restaurant in DMV? by ieatglass
None I know of in the city but Columbia MD has a good one called Hunan Manor
TheDeHymenizer t1_j9u59wj wrote
Reply to comment by solidrecommendations in Same dog has bit my dog 2 times in the last 6 months by Plenty_Library2183
>Virginia holds a person legally liable for a dog bite if the person owns the dog and knew or should have known it previously bit or acted like it wanted to bite a person, or if the person's negligence or violation of an animal control law caused the bite to happen. Unfortunately this is one of the states that does not have a strict liability dog bite statute.
Where is he wrong exactly?
>Virginia dog bite laws tell the people that it is okay for their dog to bite someone, once. That they are not responsible for it. That there is no consequence when it happens. That they can look the other way. Shrug it off. Forget about it.
IE you said his own link showed the opposite of what he was saying but a quick skimming of it shows exactly what he was saying.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j9u4zkv wrote
Reply to comment by Eascen in Same dog has bit my dog 2 times in the last 6 months by Plenty_Library2183
pepper spray is probably not a good idea because it'll be VERY hard to spray their dog w/o spraying your own if they're in a tussle
TheDeHymenizer t1_j931218 wrote
Reply to comment by annang in Metro--encouragement for my teen? by lizzylizlizzo
>Maybe if you want people to think you care about women or aren’t a huge creep, consider a different username.
Lmao "care about women" yah I'm fine without people thinking that about me. I care about people in my life.
Not about reddit pats on the back and I'll gladly take the laughs and smiles this user names provides normal people to crotchety miserable people "accepting" me.
Yah add unknown variables to this girls border line self defense scenario going to work great ain't my kid.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j8zowj5 wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate-Tea-3227 in Easy way to jump Washington Post Paywall by Appropriate-Tea-3227
BBC isn't bad. People hate to admit it but pretty much all American media is just Fox News is different flavors now.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j8znrcl wrote
Reply to comment by leagle89 in Easy way to jump Washington Post Paywall by Appropriate-Tea-3227
lol good one!
TheDeHymenizer t1_j8znfhk wrote then add the hyperlink
you have to wait until someone archives the article but I find with major outlets like WaPo, NYT you can generally read anything within an hour or so of its publishing
TheDeHymenizer t1_j8zg9ef wrote
Reply to comment by frankie_fudgepop in Metro--encouragement for my teen? by lizzylizlizzo
Thank you for your hard work keeping the streets of DC safe!!!!
TheDeHymenizer t1_j8zdx5u wrote
Reply to comment by frankie_fudgepop in Metro--encouragement for my teen? by lizzylizlizzo
>The best thing in these situations is what other women in this thread have suggested: talk to or pretend that you know/are with an older woman on the train.
well enjoy the fantasy that you'll run to the rescue of this poor lass!
TheDeHymenizer t1_j8eqsjq wrote
Reply to Ohio toxic air in DMV? by ghostofhogan
to play it safe better hop on a plane to Europe
TheDeHymenizer t1_j71vdu4 wrote
Yes but things will be very tight for a very long time and your going to need to be very disciplined in your budgeting and scout out older buildings especially in Southwest and north east
TheDeHymenizer t1_j6ogre9 wrote
Reply to comment by GlobalWild in GWU students add ‘morning-after’ pill vending machine to campus by efthfj
>Okay, I'm correcting you, this statement is unequivocally false, and because you are espousing false rhetoric it's worthy of a response for those who CARE about correct information.
Yeah I know lets rush to make sure the comment about GW body builders using the morning after pill is quickly corrected to be factual.
LMAO god I love this sub
>but it is not effective for building bulky muscle where testosterone plays a bigger role in the development of those proteins structures. (hence why the heaviest power lifters are all male)
Could of sworn I saw estrogen + some crazy receptor blockers are how the most modern versions of steroids' work and are better at avoiding detection then the traditional testerone based anabolics.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j6ofoup wrote
Reply to comment by NorseTikiBar in GWU students add ‘morning-after’ pill vending machine to campus by efthfj
>... dude, no. Your username makes this worse.
My username is my username because it makes people laugh. Full stop. You want to finger wag and get all puritanical? go with god its reddit its far from unexpected.
>While I won't claim to be an expert, Plan B pills work by introducing artificial forms of a progesterone in order to simulate your body's response to already being pregnant. This in turn prevents ovulation. Estrogen isn't a part of the equation. .
>Something that I read recently (that I'll just throw out there in case I need to be corrected by someone with more knowledge on the matter), but that would also mean that Plan B doesn't work if a woman is already ovulating. Which is... mildly frustrating.
Interesting. It still increases estrogen production which is pretty much how all the most modern steroids' currently work
TheDeHymenizer t1_j6ocart wrote
Reply to comment by GlobalWild in GWU students add ‘morning-after’ pill vending machine to campus by efthfj
>Not true, but even if it was, you think being YOKED is parallel in consequence to having a baby??
what's not true? steroids' are using estrogen to spur on muscle growth or morning after pill doesn't increase estrogen production?
and where did I say any of this is a bad thing? As far as I'm concerned steriods should be legal and available for those who want them and those who don't partake in amateur athletics
Stop hoping for a fist fight.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j6njeg5 wrote
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this pill essentially flood the body with estrogen?
Some super modern steroids' being used these days use estrogen instead of testosterone for muscle growth.
Gonna have some YOKED athletes on GW's campus
TheDeHymenizer t1_j6ngjyk wrote
Reply to comment by ch36u3v4r4 in Violence interrupter shoots Safe Passage worker by Vegetable-Ratio-5857
depends on the drug.
But regardless, a lot.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j50hgkm wrote
Reply to comment by SgtPeppy in Biden calls in Ghostburger order, leaves employee speechless by washingtonpost
>You are a sad, strange little man.
yah the idea of asking someone if they prefer to have their day off or have a phone call with a celebrity is both strange or sad.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j502k5y wrote
Reply to comment by SgtPeppy in Biden calls in Ghostburger order, leaves employee speechless by washingtonpost
>Literally this entire thread could be avoided if you understood the very simple idea that you aren't everyone and don't speak for everyone. That's it but for some reason I will never understand you've decided to die on this hill.
yah I know the idea of asking her if she'd like to sacrifice a day off to come into work to take a phone call from Joe Biden is outlandish.
Put on your little uniform, do your little puff piece, and let r/washingdc cheer! Now hope your call was worth it you got 7 more hours on the shift.
TheDeHymenizer t1_j502b08 wrote
Reply to comment by incond1te in Biden calls in Ghostburger order, leaves employee speechless by washingtonpost
>Not working on hourly wage isn't a day off... She just wasn't scheduled. She gets paid what she works...
yAh dONt sAy
TheDeHymenizer t1_j4wywcw wrote
Reply to comment by BREsubstanceVITY in Biden calls in Ghostburger order, leaves employee speechless by washingtonpost
>The person in the article seems genuinely excited to have done so and you're just shitting on everything.
What do you expect her to say exactly if she wasn't? With her bosses right there? With journalists right there?
Sounds like Ghost Burger is a pretty good gig so I don't think she in a position to say "you all could of asked me first....."
TheDeHymenizer t1_j4wxqpb wrote
Reply to comment by BREsubstanceVITY in Biden calls in Ghostburger order, leaves employee speechless by washingtonpost
>I've worked in restaurants all my life and you just seem like a miserable asshole.
oh so you'd give up a day off in order to take a phone call with a famous person?
You wouldn't prefer. Lets say, the owners ASKING you if this is something you'd like to do?
TheDeHymenizer t1_j4wv733 wrote
Reply to comment by OneFootTitan in Biden calls in Ghostburger order, leaves employee speechless by washingtonpost
well at the very least I hope she got her day off refunded lol
TheDeHymenizer t1_jeaw80x wrote
Reply to Anyone in Shaw/Mt. Vernon Triangle been followed by a homeless guy? by shamudawhale3
does he have a huge infection on the back of his head? If so I've almost got into a fist fight with him right outside of Georgetown in a coffee shop.