
TheAero1221 t1_j41euto wrote

I generally trust big companies not to alter or destroy my stored items though. Sure, they're peeking in the filing cabinet, but I feel a bit more at ease knowing it's probably just them gathering metrics and trying to sell me ads. Annoying, but predictable and relatively secure. Idk if I'd be able to quickly trust some decentralized options.


TheAero1221 t1_j12nl7b wrote

The Expanse does some fun stuff like this. They use fusion powered engines to accelerate continuously all around the solar system. Most of the time they burn 1g towards their destination, and then flip and decelerate once they're halfway there. Combat and emergencies get considerably more spicy though.


TheAero1221 t1_ivo99i1 wrote


Not a researcher, but I know that traditionally there has been a concerted effort to deliver radiation to the cancer site via small angles of attack that vary over time. They do this because even though the radiation is not at its maximum concentration when traveling through the noncancerous tissue, there is still some chance of causing undesired damage if those areas are repeatedly exposed. Subsequent treatments change the angle of attack so that they can minimize the radiation exposure to any given area of tissue that they do not wish to damage. Attacking from a wider angle may mean less total safe treatments are possible since fewer viable attack angles will remain after each treatment. Idk. Again not a researcher, just guessing. Could be totally wrong.