
Taladanarian27 t1_ivo1toe wrote

“I could provide sources, but I think you’re not gonna like them. Here’s my argument to convince you”

That’s basically what you said. As a scientist, I know if you can’t provide data to back up your claims no one will take you seriously. So when being directly asked for sources, and you dismiss the idea of providing sources, it practically invalidates anything you say.

I see your points listed. But I too would like to see sources. I want to be convinced, want to learn, want to evolve knowledge. That’s human nature (our desire as a race to innovate). So these bullet points cant really prove/disprove anything because you refuse to provide citations.

If you want people to take you seriously, I recommend being capable of backing up the words you say. If you say you CAN, then DO it. You don’t see me claiming to discover a new element and then being like “I could show you my results but you’d just be too shocked”. Nah. People wanna see. Wouldn’t you want others to see if your sources are true and legit?