
Takeyouonajourney9 t1_jecqh2p wrote

Just as the high hit.. a shadow loomed over our glorious city.

It was cylindrical and ginormous in proportion to the skyscrapers. There was a rounded edge.

What was it, it was hard to distinguish.

Damn it super Dave.. it was a giant dick..

Alt looked at me, ‘so uh what the fuck are we gonna do about that shit’?!???

‘Do you have your phone?’, ‘Yeah’.

‘Go blast super Dave with some Pizza commercials’.

Alt runs as fast as his legs can carry him, he expertly opens his browser and links onto a pizza commercial.. the giant dick slowly disappears.. pizza begins to fall from the sky..

Until.. a commercial pop up for Centaur World came on.

And that’s when all hell broke loose.


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_jeagfv7 wrote

Holy fever dream hell. I woke in a sweat, I hated humans.

With every bit of life in my blood. I could feel the freedom of the ocean. The instinctive pull towards the nearest jet stream. The connection to my herd.

The pain I felt from the atrocities from humans and their incessant waste, it boiled my blood.

We, my herd followed my lead. We knew that our creed was against harming if not to defend but was this not to defend?!?

The sweat beaded above my upper lip, the rage was enough to wake me.

My mission in this human body is to fix the word. But my position in this current world is lowly. I need money for food and to supply my life with sustainable longevity based things. We need THINGS in this life and to get them we must destroy the environment through work. Even driving to work creates problems.

I feel stuck and it’s because I am.

Edit: misread the instructions but hope you enjoy anyway lol


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_jdrj12y wrote

No one ever really gets to know you.

This was at first a defence mechanism put in place to protect your identity. It’s not fucking easy to build relationships when people really know who you are.

But every night on discord, while searching for your people, your appearance, height, age, accent and ethnicity change in order to protect yourself.

It wasn’t until last week that you came to realize the psychological impact that it was having on you.

The AI helps you to maintain your stories for each persona, it gets complicated. Having an AI generated face for interactions through discord has been a venture on its own. It took 2 months to hire the right team and another 9 months before it was usable. The audio portion was tricky with accents but when it was finally fixed it worked. No one could really tell the difference with the exception of a slight lighting issue.

When you sleep you dream of these other yous.

Sharing about your then girl who you adored writing anime style love and adventure stories with, was the last real time that you felt like you meeting people.

It was like a piece of you was etched in stone in that time and space.

The darkness that came afterwards consumed you into a solitary beam of triumph, fighting to be on the top of the world.

It tore you.

So seeking solace in people who couldn’t possibly have motivation to harm your ego, challenge your choices or give other negativity to you in this format was a natural formation.

Shielded yet meaningful connection.

Aaa aaaa aaaa aaa. I’m up, I’m up. My alarm is starting to piss me off. Gotta fix that.

Why was I talking with an accent? My mind has been playing tricks on me. I was up too late again, making a wonderful connection with a Canadian woman on discord.

Everytime that happens a part of me stays in that persona, no matter how much I try to shake it.

I think part of me recognizes a connection, something that is fucking painfully real and deep..


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_jdobgr0 wrote

After the first few attempts I began digging.

At first it was just me. I hired people from different parts of the world and waited patiently for the answers. Answers that I felt were critical to contribute to my understanding.

365 days later to the day I received a letter in the mail.

The people who were after me were my own family.

They paid every penny they could into training and hunting me.

Their pictures were sent with snipits of who they are.

One woman had blue eyes, that looked so… familiar.

As I got to the second and third picture, I realized that they had all staged their own role within my life. The woman was a grocery store cashier, around the corner from my primary property in England.

The older man with the full hair and brown eyes, was a man who daily walked his dog, (an adorably oversized black lab), up my street.

The young lady with the neat and tidy look of an accountant was a coffee shop owner, 5 blocks from my Manhattan apartment.

Why if they wanted to hunt me, would they pose to know me for this long?

Why would my family be so heartwarmingly empathetic to my daily toils if only to do something to hurt or hinder me?

I grew up in an orphanage. It got awkward when I aged out of the system still only looking to be 5 yrs old, but I found a sympathetic family to take me in.

Where was my real family then?


Takeyouonajourney9 t1_j7zldzb wrote

Reply to [IMAGE] by Lucadris

Consistency can also be one of those factors.. in a different format. Have you ever met someone who is a consistent asshole? They also no matter the practical application end up at the top of the stairs.

Consistently kind and nice sometimes gets you to the inconsistent stair set.