
TVDinner360 t1_jbd1d24 wrote

Solid point. We usually just drove through Tacoma on our way somewhere else. Hadda turn on the headlights in the middle of the day a lot, though.

Thank you, Clean Air Act, for making that horrible reality a thing of the past.


TVDinner360 t1_jaxk31x wrote

DNR and DFW are definite starting points. You might not even need a degree for some of their seasonal gigs. But don’t forget about Dept of Ecology, too.

If you move down to Olympia, you could also go to school at Evergreen. They have a lot of course offerings that intersect with your interests, and they’re fantastic for working, non-traditional college students. And cheap.

Evergreen isn’t for everybody, but it’s definitely worth looking into.

Good luck! I have faith that you’ll find work that you enjoy, because you’re clearly being strategic about getting there.

TLDR: don’t wait until you have a degree to start angling toward the field you want to work in. You can take steps now.


TVDinner360 t1_j82kw62 wrote

One thing you could do to minimize the risk would be to take some classes on outdoor survival. I think REI offers some for free. You could keep a pack with the essentials all ready to go in the trunk of your car, so if the mood strikes you’re ready.

Another risk is if you’re on private property and trespassing, someone might shoot you. Hopefully that’s a low risk, though.

Some people have had good luck managing depression by bicycling, if that’s a thing you’re interested in trying. There’s some weird response the brain gives when you’re moving through space like that. Some skaters get it, too. It’s supposed to be very effective. But maybe it’s not your thing.

I wish you well.


TVDinner360 t1_j57zs8a wrote

JFC. So this guy will get to retire with a fat pension after all this misconduct?! Unreal. If he behaved like this with one girl, how many others are out there? And how far did he get with them?

Why do pieces of crap like this guy get so many second chances when they’ve demonstrated they’re not fit to be around regular humans?


TVDinner360 t1_j564swe wrote

It’s hella common. Political parties and candidates do it routinely. It’s how they decide how to market candidates to you. For example, if they see you only vote in presidential elections, they might not bother to market to you as heavily as someone who votes in every election. But if you vote in every election, you will get ALL THE FLYERS until you turn in your ballot. Yes, they track that, too. Flyers are pricey.


TVDinner360 t1_j4cx2tf wrote

That’s awesome! Congrats! It might be useful to know that relative to other parts of the country, I guess we don’t have a super friendly culture. We’re pretty self contained, in general. If it’s hard to make friends, it’s probably not personal. It’s called the “cascade freeze.”

Port Orchard is pretty white. If you’d feel more comfortable with more diverse neighbors, Tacoma or many other parts of the Puget Sound region are the place to start. I’ll let others weigh in on the commute to Port Orchard.

However! WSDOT is super telework friendly, if you’re getting an office job. Plus there are lots of openings around the state as the boomers retire, so once you have your foot in the door you might be able to transfer to another position that’s in another part of Washington, if Port Orchard doesn’t turn out to be your jam.

Welcome! And good luck at WSDOT! I have several friends who work there, and they really like it.