THEHOLYOTAKUGAMER t1_ir160un wrote

I'm 22 and just finished high school. I just started for a job and help around the house but besides that nothing much.

I also ask myself that question every time. I just have found no meaning for my existence and probably never will.


I used to watch off brand anime, but it's not enough to inspire my imagination no more.

So starting two weeks ago i decided and am now practicing and learning how to draw, to one day, be it two months or two years from now, draw my own off brand anime. To draw people I see clothed, naked. To draw animations and comics. To draw cars and giant robots because why not.

I'm gonna die someday, it can be next week or next decade or decades from now, but I'll play the cards I'm given in the present and move forward.

It still feels like walking in the dark, but I'm entertained enough...Meh.....