
TAmber1213 t1_j7zozvk wrote

Id suggest plymouth i grew up around there and they have a bunch of nature walks and historical things tho most attraction type things arent doing much right now and the jetti is gonna be quite cold and dangerous.

I say this to say though you cant do any of plymouth right now id put it on a bucket list for the future


TAmber1213 t1_j7msydu wrote

It depends on if you already have a place or not because I was trying to apply for raft so that I could use it for a down payment and barely any of the landlords that I could find would even take it and there was just so many conflicting things that it was a seemingly impossible situation however if I had already had a place it would have been much easier to apply and get it and I would have gotten it very quickly as all of my information was approved however it has been 2 years since I did any of this and I moved out of Massachusetts officially a year ago as of last month so the system could be updated by now


TAmber1213 t1_j6gan6a wrote

Because of the way the building is set up and the fact that it is quite old the heating is set up weird and the landlord controls it. He says it is set to 70 but our apartment is constantly 58-64 degrees except my daughters room (thank god as she is 2.5 and needs to be comfortable) her room typically ranges between 65-72 as there is a restaurant downstairs and the kitchen is under her room. If I controlled it id set it to 72 personally


TAmber1213 t1_j3jbtre wrote

A lot of thrift stores especially if they're like personally owned or sponsored by a church will have books for really cheap Savers normally has cheap books especially if they're running deals and then check Facebook Marketplace a lot of people will just post like a bunch of books and you can pick and choose and it's normally pretty cheap and then I just look for garage or yard sales once the weather has warmed up a little bit spring people really love to be getting rid of stuff especially books


TAmber1213 t1_j2ic50h wrote

I was in a similar situation of being homeless with a small child. Call dta or go to a dta center and they will help you figure out what you can sign up for in regards to assistance. Also depending on where you are in Massachusetts there is this amazing company called healthy families. They worked with me to help me get food stamps, helped me find job opportunities, apply for masshealth and apply for the benefit that helps pay for child care. They can also help you find shelter. They meet with you once a week ( they can come to you if you cant have transport to meet them) they will bring activities to do with the little one (my person I had rebekah would bring toys and paint and coloring pages) as well as sometimes they are able to help with clothing for the child and diapers and wipes (depending on what has been donated to them)