
Supersnoop25 t1_jefhw8j wrote

Basically you can't really make a mistake here. 5% cd is pretty good. Personally If it's some fixed income like this I like to have the ability to take it out whenever so I have a pretty large amount in money market funds. Basically cash sitting in an brokerage account making 4.5%.


Supersnoop25 t1_jefehde wrote

OP didn't say what plan he has there's a good chance it's a plan where they include the cost of the phone in the monthly payment. I've done the math every couple of years when I get a new phone and it's cheaper for me to stay at Verizon vs a cheap place if I still get a $1000 new iPhone. Obviously the cheaper places can save a lot of money with older phones.


Supersnoop25 t1_j2esh3j wrote

For only 16k it seems like the other person getting a job would be all you need. You definitely could speak to a bankruptcy lawyer if you can find a free consultation or somthing. From what I understand 16k is on the lower end of it being worth it.