
Stealfur t1_jdiyost wrote

Da, of course! For instance. Dis you ever hear de one about the two men und the bear?

>!the men, who were taught to always respect nature, said to the bear, "No, thank you. We would like you to leave now. The bear, being a wild animal, did not care about their respectful request and mauled them to death!!<

Haha, silly men. This is not how you deal with a bear!

Editors note >! I'm not actually German and have no idea if this is funny or offensive. If someone I'd offended, let me know, and I'll delete it.!<


Stealfur t1_itq6p77 wrote

No I'm not missing context. That is exactly my point. Scientists are calling a planet marshmallow-like despite being not really what a layman's would define as a marshmallow. Just like how define planets as Earth-like despite the fact that a layman's would not call such an inhospitable place "earth-like."

Their definitions do not match up with are pre-conceved expectations because their metric for classification is different from ours.