
SolsticeSon t1_jegy9us wrote

To me, there are two types of confidence which unfortunately share the same name. One is a social script... learned vicariously through being surrounded by people who are also playing out the script. The important thing is that you have to socially relate to them to adopt their behaviors, through friendship or being involved in the same business or team sport. Lets call it scripted confidence.

This scripted confidence can also be passed down through the confidence of parents, siblings, idols, made up characters in movies, books, or games, and the structure of one’s upbringing. But it’s still a learned script. And MOST of its development comes down to caring what people think of you.

I also find it extremely deceptive and dangerous. It’s the foundation of con-men (which even stands for ‘confidence man’) and I’ve seen many people who are celebrated for their confidence lead people, countries, battalions, projects, etc into absolute hell because they were living on pure false scripted behaviors and self belief.

The other form of confidence is gained through the direct knowledge and experience of succeeding. If a basketball player trains to shoot hoops from any angle and distance, to the point that they never miss... then they develop an intrinsic confidence. It's forged into their muscles, into their brain. And when that specific skill translates to winning a game, they walk with a deep self value.

If anyone trains long enough to achieve mastery of a subject or skill, they will subsequently be confident.

Some people have a hybrid form of confidence that exists as a mix of the two… they compound off one another and the combo parades them through life, succeeding both physically and socially.

But the two fundamentals remain:

Intrinsic confidence is earned.

Scripted confidence is learned.

One is learned and developed through osmosis, backed by nothing but blind belief. The other is real and can be silent and formless. Someone who is intrinsically confident can be the butt end of social hierarchy because they don't know the "script" of confidence.

A sharp and intuitive eye can tell the difference in a heartbeat. But most people can’t, nor does it even matter to anyone but those interested in truth and authenticity. Don’t be a fake. Develop intrinsic confidence, don’t be a scripted fake.


SolsticeSon OP t1_iuc7nyu wrote

I’m guessing people are under the impression that I stand there directing models but I prefer to influence and suggest rather than control. The model is as much an artist involved in the creative process. And the result is special to me because we both reached this crossroads together, whereas two dancers become a duet when their individual roles merge as one collaborative movement. So no, this wasn’t a held pose, it was a flow sequence. Notice her hair isn’t still, it’s sweeping in motion.

I happen to like how weird the motion was considering she was essentially dancing in ways that were influenced by the angles of the rock. I thought the conflicting angles were nice, the juxtaposition of both her strength and softness against the rigid stone. Its both unnerving and bizarre, yet ethereal and delicate.
