
SoftDev90 t1_ja47bar wrote

I get 3 weeks paid vacation a year. I could travel overseas if I wanted, but since my driver's license let's me into Mexico, Canada, and the Caribean by land or sea travel, there's plenty to explore without a passport that I don't feel held back by not having one. Of course if I ever wanted to fly to somewhere in one of those places, I'd need to get one, but I'd know enough ahead of time to go and get one if that was the case :)


SoftDev90 t1_ja1woz8 wrote

Shit im 32, almost 33, and still dont have a passport lol. I have been to Mexico and Canada a ton though. I don't know how id feel with my ex wife asking for a passport for our 8 year old daughter. Not that she needs one to go to Canada or anything like that (We live on the border up north). We have both taken her out of country to these places many times without issues, but there is solace in knowing she can't just hop on a plane and take off out of country with her, so I'd be inclined not to get her one right now personally.


SoftDev90 t1_ja0cxkh wrote

I am going to have to agree with future dad in law here. Anytime I have gone to weddings and spend all that time and money only to get a salad bar or something I feel hangry and irked a bit. Yes it is your day and everything is about y'all, but at the same time, to me at least, its just common decency to fill the guests up for their time and efforts to come celebrate that day with you all as well. Just asked my wife and she agrees as well with my sentiments and your future father in laws. You can still offer little higher end dishes if you want, but have something else on the side for people that want to eat their fill and enjoy themselves. You definitely don't want a mass amount of hangry guests on your hands.


SoftDev90 t1_j6dpf4i wrote

Eli5 answer: you see the cake, not all the ingredients that went into said cake, the heat incorporated into it to make all the parts work, etc. You just see the final product.

As a fullstack dev i feel uniquely qualified to answer this question. You only see some of the site. There is lots of code that run server side on the backend that you have no access too. For example, an Ajax call that sends data to the server in order to add or retrieve data from the database. You can't see that code, only what is sent over. Things can get even more complex when you start mixing in APIs and other services outside of the main server.

Also you cannot see the structure of the database either. You can infer, but not copy it exactly. Websites are a lot more than just what you see and is a common complaint of backend devs that don't get as much recognition as front end devs because a lot of there code and contributions are not as visible to non tech people.


SoftDev90 t1_ixy5t0z wrote

Yeah something has to change. Group buys are so stupid and artificially limit stock because they refuse to keep anything on hand. It's infuriating to see a cool keycap set online that I really want only to find out it was from a group buy 4 years ago and they aren't doing anymore of them. Imagine if you went into any store anywhere and they said here's an idea for a product, pay now and it will be delivered in 1 to 2 years. That shit would absolutely not fly and shouldn't in this community either. As a business take some of that money and buy some sets ahead of time and then pre-order when it's close to release time at least. Stop putting all risk on the consumer while you sit there making money as a middle man. Plenty of other ways to gauge interest in a product without the pre buy bullshit.