
SnooLentils4790 t1_j25yvmv wrote

Correct. The chemical was similar in taste, as documented, to what was wanted. And cheaper. But poisonous.

Added by a chemist to save money. Dumb chemist. And people died. Poor manufacturing indeed.


SnooLentils4790 t1_iy2pzqt wrote

There are countless countries that receive free gifts from the United States. It is the single largest donating country in the history of the world. Countless charities uphold the poor throughout the world both private and public. India follows this path as well with its donations of food, but strictly for strategic purposes -- donating to countries local to India. Whereas the United States of America donates even to its enemies.

Indeed, the U.S. has even used its military to protect India's borders indirectly, and seeks to maintain peace worldwide as the active defensive force giving teeth to the U.N.

Continue your spite and anger. Your friends, other nationalist, bitter Indians, will surely approve.
