
Smokin77 t1_j29mmph wrote

Reply to comment by HolyHand_Grenade in Canoe advice by bubba1819

Unscrewed the center thwart pulled it out and recut the yoke 4" to be honest it stressed it quite a bit but a plywood strut laid in gained back the bottom shape. Then recut the "seats" where it did the most good. The back seat was deleted and the thwart was shaped to fit with a pool noodle. Front seat to the bow was built flat with some extra float and carpeted for doggy comfort. Just behind was also built up but with a grid and carpet so we could lash down gear. All told it was a heavy beast rode pretty low with the mutts in putts.


Smokin77 t1_j28c7v8 wrote

Reply to Canoe advice by bubba1819

We did an Old Town 16 composite widened it by 8" and had no problem. In younger days I single carried it it would carry pretty well. Your wife has the mule duty though. Or it's 2 trips. Composition is heavy and doesn't really like rocks much but that old town is still being used after 28 years. That's two dogs and 57 pounds in waterproof bags,two back packs. Thing is The factory used to have sales, my wife found a beautiful square back for half price. I'd check it out might save travel 💰


Smokin77 t1_iujgfer wrote

Crazy talk man. It would be too much common sense to drop the ads and mailers and use the millions to build affordable housing, just crazy talk.


Smokin77 t1_iu9w0td wrote

Outside influence still pays the game though. I've seen a lot of ads that come from the parties with all smear and mud. I agree, if money was not the issue and it was true public service IMHO we'd have representation again, not profiteering.


Smokin77 t1_is4tfza wrote

They're really loud, and a single one can get you a "who's killing that woman in the woods" scream. Dozens nah 3 or 4 with a litter of 5 sounds like a ballroom full. As far as this DNA from a wolf, no shit no surprise. A couple of dozen years ago in the Catskills there was a problem pack that folks started calling coydogs exactly what it sounds like. They started getting really aggressive, and big. Finally they were hunted out after three year of terrorist dog stuff, chickens, ducks, cats, small dogs. The deer had been long hunted out, then a pig got killed and eaten in a dooryard. 8 total 2 big males and six females. Word to the wise, if you do hunt and you see em kill em and say nothing yeah They're legal to kill, lots of hearts around here though.