
Slodin t1_iug2cto wrote

Um, not a successful person but do have a stable well paying job that I love doing and stable life at the moment. I personally don't really believe in guidelines, because everyone deals with things differently. Having that said tho, you might gather some stuff from everyone and form your own thoughts.

I usually set large goals for x amount of years. But in between, I have usually determined how to get to that end goal by dividing it into smaller bits. It's easier said than done tho since most of these small goals are a result of "at the moment" events that are not planned for. However, I try to steer it to benefit me toward my end goal.

I find large goals by themselves are meaningless and really hard to concentrate on. I also discuss my goals with my parents/close friends because I want some feedback and suggestions if there are better solutions. Information is an important aspect of making plans, and these brainstorming sessions for me are great to form a general idea. Sometimes you might get lucky and talk to the right person that can hook you up to a shorter path (IMO this is an invaluable resource).

When you fuck up, find solutions to get yourself back on track. There is no way you don't make mistakes along the way. I sometimes even identify which part I might screw up and formulate a plan B from the start. Knowing yourself and limitations helps a lot.

//not related:

I had a rough year when I graduated. Nothing was working out, life, relationship, and work. Funny enough I was also 26 back then. I was just sitting at home watching shows and this young singer was chewing out a middle-aged dude who stayed at home not working and just relying on his mom for money. That somewhat struck a cord in me to get on my feet again. Or I was just burned out from working full time + full-time university for 8 years and needed that year off. Not really sure, but it worked out for me.