
Skinjob985 t1_jdhpp3n wrote

Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't help but feel like this is a direct reference to all the virtue signaling over the casting of the Rings of Power show and the incredibly lazy dismissal of anyone who points out how ham-fistedly it was implemented as a racist neckbeard. I've been on Reddit long enough to know a shit-stirrer when I see one...


Skinjob985 t1_jdhnyuo wrote

I think most average readers are intelligent enough to tell the difference between self-aggrandizing virtue signaling and diversity in a story because that is the way the author wrote it. I think the issue that most people had with The Rings of Power was that the writers were incredibly lazy in implementing their forced diversity, rather than using the already established world and history of Middle Earth to write in the diverse characters.

Instead of having it make anthropological sense they are asking the viewer to suspend their disbelief that there is only one black elf, one black dwarf, a couple black hobbits and no explanation as to why this is the case. Tolkien wrote extensively about different peoples of color inhabiting his fantasy world. All the writers had to do was use this already established backstory to write in these characters in a way that made sense anthropologically and historically within the world. Instead they would rather pat themselves on the back that they are "woke".

This is the same reason they felt the need to announce the genitalia of all the directors for the second seasons episodes. As if that had anything to do with their ability to direct. It's the writers that care more about their political agenda than staying true to the source material and actually writing a good story. The idea that anyone who questions this incredibly lazy writing must be a neck-bearded basement- dwelling racist incel would be comical if it wasn't so sad and pathetic. These kinds of dismissals are made by people who have zero defense of all the honest constructive criticisms of the show. I can't help but feel like that's what the OP was referencing even if he didn't come right out and say it.

Literally no one cares about racial diversity in fantasy writing. What people care about is not having their intelligence insulted by incredibly lazy writers who care more about their political agenda than they do about remaining faithful to the foundations of the entire fantasy subgenre.