
Sjdillon10 t1_jah6aqe wrote

Yours is definitely worse. It’s by no means a dream job. Mine is intro level and pay really low. But I’ll be working with blueprints and other advanced stuff with the lifetime guys. Which will pan out in the long run in a massive way. I just need that foot in the door. But this wait is driving me insane!


Sjdillon10 t1_jah2thq wrote

I got hired on the spot for a job I’m overqualified for but lack experience. They’ve pushed my start date back over 2 weeks now. I’m losing hope I’ll ever start. My car is wrecked. I need money and this place won’t let me work! Why hire me on the spot only to hold me in Fuckin purgatory


Sjdillon10 t1_ja81n3j wrote

It’s cringe to me now. But i used to listen to a lot of motivational speech compilations my first months due to lack of motivation. It helped a lot and now I’ve been doing it for over half a decade. Haven’t listened to those speeches in years however