
SirDraeos t1_j1u2z4d wrote

So you're saying you want to exchange the complexity of the human body for that of an immortal jellyfish? You do realise that organisms aren't comprised of pieces you can individually pick and choose from, and that you need the whole system in order for that one characteristic to be viable?

And what would YOU do with limitless time? What have you done with the time you've had up until now?


SirDraeos t1_j1p8w3e wrote

Is aging seriously now considered a disease to be treated/cured? How is this any different from considering a candle that's gone out after melting all its wax, faulty?

I fail to see how aging is anything other than a certainty so much as the sun rising and setting every day, and trying to "solve" it, as ridiculous as attempting to hold the sun hostage at its zenith.

Most people nowadays live an absolutely worthless lives (pardon the coarseness, but I believe this to be true of myself too), so how is aging not the cure to the disease we've turned our existences into?

Edit: unless of course, when speaking of curing aging we refer not to the lengthening of our lives, but the improvement of the quality of our years (which I still consider ironic given how little people are willing to invest time and effort into their own health).
