
SimonJDPrince OP t1_j5yc4n2 wrote

You are correct -- they don't usually occur simultaneously. Usually, you would train and then test afterwards, but I've shown the test performance as a function of the number of training iterations, just so you can see what happens with generalization.

(Sometimes people do examine curves like this using validation data, so they can see when the best time to stop training is though)

The test loss goes back up because it classifies some of the test answers wrong. With more training iterations, it becomes more certain about it's answers (e.g., it pushes the likelihood of its chosen class from 0.9 to 0.99 to 0.999 etc.). For the training data, where the everything is classified correctly, that makes it more likely and decreases the loss. For the cases in the test data where its classified wrong, it makes it less likely, and so the loss starts to go back up.

Hope this helps. I will try to clarify in the book. It's always helpful to learn where people are getting confused.


SimonJDPrince OP t1_j5ocrdo wrote

I'd say that mine is more internally consistent -- all the notation is consistent across all equations and figures. I have made 275 new figures, whereas he has curated existing figures from papers. Mine is more in depth on the topics that it covers (only deep learning), but his has much greater breadth. His is more of a reference work, whereas mine is intended mainly for people learning this for the first time.
Full credit to Kevin Murphy -- writing book is much more work than people think, and so completing that monster is quite an achievement.

Thanks for tip about Hacker News -- that's a good idea.


SimonJDPrince OP t1_ir048nc wrote

I have to keep some solutions back so that it can be used by instructors, but I'm going to make about half of them available and might add other problems to the website that aren't in the book and have answers. I haven't written out any of the answers yet, so it's possible that one or two of them aren't well-formulated. If you struggle with any of them, you can always email me.