If you have good credit, search for zero interest credit cards and do a balance transfer. I’ve got about 30k in credit card debt from starting a business but haven’t paid a dime in interest due to the zero interest cards, one of which is a 2 year zero interest card. And I make auto payments in the amount that will have the cards payed off by the end of the zero interest terms. It was the only way I could do it. And I don’t have to touch my savings.
Sickranchez87 t1_j6n2rrj wrote
Reply to Keep money in savings or kill all CC debt? by coconut_icedcoffee
If you have good credit, search for zero interest credit cards and do a balance transfer. I’ve got about 30k in credit card debt from starting a business but haven’t paid a dime in interest due to the zero interest cards, one of which is a 2 year zero interest card. And I make auto payments in the amount that will have the cards payed off by the end of the zero interest terms. It was the only way I could do it. And I don’t have to touch my savings.