
Shell4747 t1_jdx9tqm wrote

WHY do these news stories consistently fail to make clear whether or not, AT THE TIME OF THE CRIME, these pple are or are not employed as LEOs? This one says "former deputy marshall" in para 2 although later it becomes clear that he was a serving officer at the time. At no point does the story clarify when exactly he became a former. Just...why not make this simple information clear?


Shell4747 t1_j76msku wrote

I mean generally speaking you know yr close friends & relatives politics. Uncle Nazi can't be a shock or surprise, regardless of what they say when its about to cost them money. It's not a huge leap from there to "they'll put him back on the payroll one way or another if & when they can."

Could be this is too cynical a take, but I know which way to bet.