
SeattlePurikura t1_iuaw8ed wrote

Great point about the walls and fusuma panels. I didn't even think about that because I couldn't get past the strange behavior of the five people making the effort to stay in a rural house in Japan. These are the kind of jerkoffs who would watch Lost in Translation and spend all their time in Tokyo at the flashy, Instagram-worthy sites.
It's been awhile, but I recall visiting this village. Love Japanese architecture.


SeattlePurikura t1_iu7wud9 wrote

I've enjoyed some of the author's other works, so I was disappointed in this one. Now the characters WERE supposed to be unlikeable, but they didn't have a single redeeming feature amongst them. That takes away from the horror element if I don't give a flip what happens to them; I actually was rooting for the monster.

I lived in Japan for a few years and have always been interested in the folklore & monster myths, so in theory I'm the target audience. DNR, saving grace was that it was a library book so I didn't pay for it.