
Seaofgioy t1_j6pbdj4 wrote

Why not that New Horizon Forbidden West? Probably Assassin creed unity or the one about the American revolution, dunno which one that was,but it has guns!


Seaofgioy t1_itd0vea wrote

They don't, or rather, won't, with enough practice! Keep on writing, and reading of course! Always read twice, and post once. Alchemy is supposed to be "measure twice, mix once", and writers are alchemists that conjure wonders with mere words! Keep up the passion!


Seaofgioy t1_itcy4pn wrote

I liked the titan take buuuut, you really need this: You're =you are; Your= you own. Too much Two things; To spell.

Not that bad, is it! Thank you for your story! Reminded me of zeus and Chronos a bit, with a God of War vibe.