
Seabhag t1_jb0eyqh wrote

For me my Mercy doc wouldn't prescribe certain classes of meds based on my medical card/usage. It's 'fun' when you are a light user for ASD issues, and need something for the ADHD issues. Non-stims don't really cut it for me. Been on them for a couple of years with basically no results.

One of them missing, I have a short tolerance for people . The other missing, and I have a hard time getting over the adhd stuff (with or without cannabis). Both make for easier time working on projects!


Seabhag t1_is2fzn4 wrote

I deconstructed about fifteen years ago myself; out of an AG church I'd grown up in. You are welcome to PM with questions if you'd like.

My book/source recommendations would be altered by where you felt you were at. I could give you the list that worked for me. But I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be as helpful. Different life stories and all.

So, if you don't mind the presumption, what are you questioning? God? How your churches are behaving in reaction to things? Accountability for non-denominational, and denominational as well, leaders who abuse their power? The Bible? How your church interprets the Bible? Age of the earth? Existence of an historical Jesus?