
Sculptasquad t1_j7ljphu wrote

Great study. It has none of those funny little oversights that the vegan lobby neglected when they drew a line of correlation between diary intake and hip fractures a while back.

The oversight being that they had compared rates of hip fractures in Scandinavia to that of China and concluded that "since hip fractures are more prevalent in Scandinavia and Scandinavians consumes more dairy...". Anyone reading this will of course realize that large parts of Scandinavia is covered in slippery ice half of the year, greatly contributing to the rate of hip fractures...


Sculptasquad t1_j5tund2 wrote

And how marketable is it?

I do not doubt that it is possible to produce green steel, but how much more expensive does it become and how does this affect the competitiveness of the product?


Sculptasquad t1_j5ph9jy wrote

Yeah cause heavy industry loves paying premium for no monetary benefit...

This is why the Swedish government is currently out hundreds of millions of dollars in wasted investments in HYBRIT - a project where the government-owned steel mills are going to transition from burning coke to using wind-sourced hydrogen.

The main issue is that the annual hydrogen production is estimated to require KW hours equivalent to the annual usage of all of Finland.

A separate issue is that there is no demand on the market for more expensive steel that has no added benefit, aside from being "green".

For the low down on the scam of carbon of-setting


Sculptasquad t1_j46nqj7 wrote

You obviously don't need to pay for a yoga session to practice yoga either. Just make some space on the floor, find a free yoga instruction on youtube and have at it.

There is nothing magical that happens when you pay for a session as opposed to you just doing it on your own.


Sculptasquad t1_j2dh0nf wrote

Massive volumes of matter passing through your colon and rectum is directly associated with an increased risk of rectal issues such as fissures, tearing, hemorrhoids etc.

Compare passing 500 grams of waste twice a day to passing 2 kg once every two days.


Sculptasquad t1_j2cwx6c wrote

Your bowel is not going to appreciate an OMAD set up. If you do not have issues with anal fissures or hemorrhoids right now, you will get them when you sit down to eliminate an entire day's worth of waste in one sitting...


Sculptasquad t1_j2cwtea wrote

Man Ramadan fasting is like the antithesis of healthy fasting. Our circadian rhythm is activated by light* and our insulin sensitivity is at its best in the morning. Eating all your food after the sun has gone down is like asking for hyperglycemia.




Sculptasquad t1_j2cpxcr wrote

And the cost of the safeguard rarely exceeds the cost of the product. This is why it is always economically viable to counterfit things.

If the materials and the technology required to make a knock-off is cheaper than the production cost of the genuine article, there will be fakes made.