
ScrunchyButts t1_jae3shf wrote

Listen, I’m no tough guy. Keyboard or otherwise.

But my experience is that the more “Pew! Pew! 2A!” stickers I see, the more that individual needs to be fucked with.

Some douche kazoo who got internet radicalized and bought a sticker for his jaguar isn’t exactly a gang of Hell’s Angels.


ScrunchyButts t1_jad1bxy wrote

“I wanted to warn people not to park next to a white jaguar with SHAGUAR plates”

Why? To reward them for their entitled bullshit?

If I see this vehicle I’m going to park an eighth of an inch away from him. Then I’ll call some friends to come by and do the same. Then sit back and wait for the show to start.


ScrunchyButts t1_ja94b2e wrote

I don’t think any degree of grip tape or treads will help very much when it gets iced over. My guess would be heat mats but that sounds expensive.

Anyway, nice job being a good neighbor!