
ScenicAndrew t1_j1a5wol wrote

Was just younger. Was not a muskrat but definitely felt like if I liked something he did (or more appropriately, something his PR team said he did) he must not be all bad. Learned by learning he and others were just awful.

Honestly the bigger issue for me was with Gates. Kinda hard to see past the foundation, environmentalism, etc. At the end of the day can't just separate Microsoft's shitty behavior from him.

If you don't learn to separate the person from their actions they really sneak up on ya. Patagonia guy is the recent example. Does SOME good, sure, but he's just setting his wealth in stone.


ScenicAndrew t1_iu31nce wrote

Google Owned company waymo probably on account of them being street legal, had a big study that showed they're quite possibly already past the "better than people" phase, and definitely have better public image so adoption might go easier. But I don't follow all the players. Who knows maybe apple gets there first.


ScenicAndrew t1_iu1sgc1 wrote

I thought it probably had something to do with hot gaseous cleaners. Kinda like steam cleaning but where it didn't condense back into water at any point.

In my head I feel a white sock would probably get pretty clean if I stick it in a high pressure steam jet for 1/10th of a second.


ScenicAndrew t1_it7ny8i wrote

Shitty part is that we ALL benefit from at least SOMETHING in that orbit. Weather, internet, TV. Sure two of those are just entertainment but those weather satellites keep people safe, are used in education, and assist serious research in atmospheric and geographic sciences.