
Scary_Princess t1_jc3enw9 wrote

Exactly that cost curve is going to continue going up and the income isn’t going to trend the same way. Currently the fund is collecting 95% of what it needs to pay annually. If we run a 5% deficit against the trust, the trust will be emptied in 20 years. Because the of the difference between incoming money and outgoing benefits the trust is expected to be exhausted by 2033-2035.

It can be solved at anytime, but solutions today will be far less painful than solutions in 2032


Scary_Princess t1_iuk4kqd wrote

I think you can get a lot more than 20 years of prime particularly if you take good care of yourself. Even if you don’t take good care of yourself genetics can be kind.

I work in healthcare I see plenty of 50 year olds that there prime ended somewhere in there late 30’s early 40’s I also see plenty of 60/70 year olds who can be argued to still be in there prime. I know a 60 year old surgeon who still runs ultra marathons (50+ km).

Still I understand your sentiment death isn’t what scares me either but the feebleness and pain of old age.