
SantaMonicaSurfers t1_izkd3su wrote

I like where this is going...I just gave this a spin...

Write me an awscli command to spin up 10 more EC2 Linux instances 


aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-1234abcd --instance-type t2.micro --count 10 --key-name my-key-pair --security-group-ids sg-1234abcd --subnet-id subnet-1234abcd

Now we all know how many people accidentally commit AWS keys into Github and other SCM...maybe it finds some and uses them to authenticate an AWS request. Just spitballing, but maybe I'm wrong about it not being able to provision its own compute :)


SantaMonicaSurfers t1_izjwvk9 wrote

What I commonly see overlooked in all these discussions are what the cost and impact of running the physical infrastructure will be. I think this will prove to be a real barrier to widespread adoption of these technologies, at least in the short-to-medium term. Think bitcoin mining x100. While I agree we are seeing something new and unique here, we are a long way away from it being at a place where it's being used across professions. I expect to see another chip shortage as companies race to stand up the infrastructure to run Stable Diffusion (and other algorithms) at scale and to produce results in a timely manner.


Unfortunately you can't tell ChatGPT to create more compute resources for us...currently....