
SaiyajinPrime t1_j6doe8d wrote

Borderlands is not overrated. It is appropriately rated for the time it came out.

Also if you think the guns feel the same or not, they do have differences per manufacturer that do make a difference in the end game. But for the most part you're farming specifically for legendaries in that game anyway that do behave wildly different than any other gun.

Also you're comparing the original game to the sequels that came out several years later. Obviously the newer ones are better because they made improvements.


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2fc2s8 wrote

It's a puzzle game and a platformer. That you can't figure out the precise timing is a unique problem I have never seen anyone have with Portal before.

But it's absolutely not the worst kind of puzzle game. It's an incredible puzzle game that requires a modicum of gaming ability.

It's unfortunate if you are not able to get through the game, cuz it really is amazing.


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2e779d wrote

I also used to really love the Killzone games, but I am not one of the people who's clamoring for its return.

Not because they weren't great games, but because I personally am completely burnt out on the shooter genre for the most part because they just flooded the market some years ago and got played out for me.

The only shooters I can get myself into now are ones that I can play co-op with my best friends.

Anytime I start any sort of single player shooter campaign I find myself bored almost immediately.

That being said, if they released a new kill zone that you were able to play through the whole campaign co-op, I would buy that shit in a heartbeat.


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2b9yoi wrote

No, in all my years of playing games I have never once felt that someone was trying to hard when they killed me. I used to be really into destiny 2 crucible and don't play as many shooters anymore cuz I got kind of bored of the genre because of the oversaturation, but when I play them I've never felt like the reason I'm losing is because someone else is trying too hard. It's such a silly way to think about things for everyone who does.

It seems like you're the one who's taking games too seriously and not me. If you have to classify people as sweats to come to terms with the fact that they beat you.


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2b5l36 wrote

You literally told me to focus on how much energy it takes to play this way.

It's completely ridiculous. People want to win and some people are better and some people aren't. You can still play the game. And if you can't handle someone beating you because they have a different play style than you, that's on you. Calling them try hards or sweats is just a silly thing that people who lose say.

I actually only recently got into fortnite. Within the last few months my buddy and I go into duos and we play hours at a time a few times a week. We place in the top 10 95% of the time and we get plenty of kills in it. Sometimes people beat me, sometimes I beat people.

I have never once thought that the person who killed me was putting too much energy into the game. It's honestly such a silly statement. Everyone wants to win, some people are better than others.

Really sorry if people having a different skill set than you makes you feel like you have to say it's them trying to hard. I'm sure you deal with failure well in all other areas of your life as well.


SaiyajinPrime t1_j2ah9gk wrote

That's such a silly thing to say. That you can tell when you're fighting someone who's playing for fun and someone who's playing to sweat. Everyone is playing wants to win. If they beat you they're better than you or got the drop on you.

Tell me, how can you tell the difference between fighting someone who's playing for fun and playing for sweat? Do they lose against you if they're playing for fun and beat you if they're playing for sweat?


SaiyajinPrime t1_j22c5dp wrote

Oh boy you had these ready for this post didn't you?

Well, these reviews you picked sure do support your post.

I was specifically speaking of fans praise of which I have never seen any praising it's depiction of racism.

I'm sure if I was inclined, I could find sources that said what I wanted them to say as well. But I don't want to spend any more time on this than I have.

But I concede that these ones that you posted definitely do what you said they did.


SaiyajinPrime t1_iydy055 wrote

I feel like if you have an option between getting it on PS4 or switch you should definitely get it on PS4.

Obviously the switch version will be worse because the system just can't handle anywhere near what the PS4 can handle.