
Saadiqfhs t1_j9owwuk wrote

It is but I think the agency of the landlords can still be at play; they do not have to price out their tenants, but because a fatter cow has hit the market they cooked Besty. Back to my original thought: is it the common man’s fault for not having the money, or the fact a class can just change the rules in a year and basically banish them from their homes.


Saadiqfhs t1_j9o8ito wrote

  1. Yeah one isn’t a factor at all, they constantly destroying greeny to build new apartments.

  2. We are talking a 3 year jump

  3. I don’t think taxes went up that much like at all

Most of it is just landlords hearing inflation in the news and raising rent just because. It’s been happening but post covid they are just doing what they want be damned who can afford it because a New Yorker will pay it if a Jersey citizen won’t


Saadiqfhs t1_j9fa5dd wrote

Can you tackle things at a micro level if they are caused by a macro level problem?

Say I am a serf and the Czar’s men come to collect my owed yields else they take my wife, is my issue hoe many cabbages I have or the fact I live over a serfdom where the Czar believes God gave him command of the world?

I came to this thought as I I live in Jersey and rent is skyrocketing. My choices are work more and or negotiate wage increases, or flee the state. Now I wonder; is the problem by the middle class for not preparing for this crisis or the landlords for becoming robber barons?


Saadiqfhs t1_j7gr6c2 wrote

Can you want someone to fit into a box and believe in love?

I look for people that fit my schedule, someone with the same work and social schedules, as well as life goals timelines. But isn’t love communication and willingness to change? By creating a strict criteria of what needs to happen for a relationship to work am I keeping myself the possibility of finding out what love truly can be?


Saadiqfhs t1_j4lktnd wrote

What makes a human?

Hey it’s me the resident nerd.

I often read early Inhuman comics and one of the big moral debates is what to do withe alpha primitives. The Alphas are basically cloned netherhals created to serve the inhumans as slaves. But the inhumans debate is that right to enslave them; are they people to?

Then I think of the Star Wars extended universe and Star Trek, and they always ponder a question when is a robot sentient and deserve rights? That is kind of the back drop of George Lucas’s clone wars and the legacy stories from it, the morality of clones and droids shooting each other.

So I want to know; can you justify clone servants even if they are of a lesser “human” species?

Can you argue the humanity of a machine?


Saadiqfhs t1_j2nhpeh wrote

What is saving the world when the villain already changed it?

I am huge comic book fan and because of that I read a lot of reboot events. And in that I seen events that I wanted to use as examples of how it is handled:

Flashpoint: Flashpoint was a reality morphing event in which at the end 2 characters know the reality changed: Flash and Batman. In that is not a apocalypse hellscape they decide to not change it.

Invincible Reboot: This a event Mark the hero is put in a world by a cosmic god entity at the start of his heroes journey, and can in theory do everything a lot better, and save a lot of people, but he choices not too because to him this reality takes away someone he is not sure will exist again, his daughter.

House of M: This event the world is turn into a paradise like world. But the heroes rebel because they know it was caused by someone, be damned if they have a family created by this reality or not, or a loved one had return. Because it isn’t ‘real’

So with these examples in mind I want to ask, is it a hero’s duty to return the world to ground zero? Can one be content in a altered reality? What makes a new world’s life more or less valid then the old ones?


Saadiqfhs t1_j1qcvx8 wrote

We are destined for a meta world, but are we also destined to rebel against it?

I am huge fan of the matrix and fan of the idea that no matter how comfortable a simulation is, humans will always rebel against it. But now seeing that reality inching closer and closer I wonder: Will we rebel against a cyber world or beg for it? With humans in such a state of depression in reality I wonder if given the option to rebel against the system, will humans choice reality over fiction?


Saadiqfhs t1_j13sfly wrote

Wars worth lays completely on the concept of its better after; that survival of one’s kin or nation or creed is something so profound that it is worth more then one’s mortal flesh. It is tied to the warrior’s imagined worth that his cause is just. In this game of right and wrong, the noblest of souls just run away, to place where iron isn’t made into pointed swords and daggers


Saadiqfhs t1_j0vhsjw wrote

I think you touch on a thought tho that I think will happen, the new species of Homo sapiens, the slug people, homo inferiors and new gods, homo superiors. I think tho this where humanity stops being human, and what remains of Homo sapiens will be the adventurers who dare to leave Utopia for adventure onward in the dark, either on Earth or beyond


Saadiqfhs t1_j0ve1ul wrote

When I say ignorance I say you set a limit to the full grasp of reality. Because it’s kind of bleak really, we are in a endless void where we likely won’t no the reason for the existence. So best way to avoid external crisis is to piece meal that thought and enjoy a self created reality of the things to can learn and can understand. To the storm instead of battling it


Saadiqfhs t1_j0v99mu wrote

Well peace in life is just the ignorance of external crisis. Most struggle is the attempt to survive in the self made mode of existence. Once you truly take in you can only control so much if even that and reality is a mystery you can not truly understand you have two options, enter despair at your lack of knowledge to reason you exist or or continue onward in the pursuit to learn more. We all must bare a personal manifested Destiny but must realize it is manifested. You have nothing in the beginning and ending but you can find joy in this little while in the attempt to gain something.


Saadiqfhs t1_j0v0o4u wrote

Hi so I like to write a lot doing a lot writing on philosophical thoughts I have wanted a opinion on one: can humanity survive utopia? As we inch closer to harmless endless energy we get closer to a world without struggle, and can we survive that? Is it possible for the human mind to deal with paradise on earth? I think not honestly but willing hear counter arguments