
RoyalBadger3665 t1_j9se9tt wrote

Returned my QC45 because I didn’t like that you couldn’t turn off ANC completely and that the ANC didn’t block out people talking (higher frequency sounds). Only use case I found them to be great was connecting to my tv for movies. Everything else there was a better option.

I ended up upgrading my AirPods gen 2 to APP2, which has 3 options for anc: on/transparent/off and sweat resistance for the gym/running.


RoyalBadger3665 t1_j98ojxn wrote

I just tested mine vs my Salnotes zero and I can see what you mean. I’d agree with others commenting that they’re neutral and the zeros have a warmer tuning that enhances treble. The XR version is also supposed to have more bass, in comparison to the ER2SEs (have not tested those).

Personally, my Etymotics are a special use case where I need best noise cancellation possible. I would rather have neutral sounding and hear no noise than have warmer sounding but be distracted!

If you find a good way to EQ them I would love to try, so please update!