
RocketScient1st t1_j6l22om wrote

Reply to comment by aeusoes1 in Private UBI by SantoshiEspada

Ah the typical condescending Reddit comment “you do realize <enter basic fact>”… ad hominem aside…. Yes the board and CEO has a responsibility to act in shareholder interests so during times of cuts they too trim the fat on corporations to appease investors. Executives aren’t stupid and would not “trim the meat” by cutting staff that actually produce more than they consume in pay. They target the employees that add less value than what they cost.


RocketScient1st t1_j6i92tv wrote

Reply to comment by aeusoes1 in Private UBI by SantoshiEspada

Most jobs within big corporations are already bullshit to begin with. Just look at how easily companies are able to slash large percentages of their workforce during recessions. Most people don’t contribute anything to the bottom line and could easily have their job eliminated entirely or partially due to the redundancy from large and inefficient bureaucracies.