RobXSIQ t1_jee4p1s wrote


Musk owns twitter, one of the largest idea exchange networks on the planet. Musk will make his own LLM model using his information and become top dog quickly in the AI game, so I personally think he is wanting to slow it so he himself can put his own dog into the race after he parted with OpenAI for closing down.


RobXSIQ t1_jedrozx wrote

This is just corpos lagging behind GPT4 to try to slow them down so they can catch up and take over. Its all nonsense to influence the perpetually gullible.

Anyhow, if the government were to take this clown paper seriously, the only thing it would do is allow other nations to run the show. Impeachable offenses for every politician who actively cripples the economy because corpos told them to.


RobXSIQ t1_je428jy wrote

Sure, if you have that attitude your sales job will go, but you probably didn't need tech for that to happen.
Sales, psychology, and other people skills will be fine for quite sometime, why? because I ain't gonna talk to no goddamn robot, I buy from someone who can look me in the eye.

Thats why.

If you want to buy a toothbrush, an AI will sell you a toothbrush.

If a salesperson is in charge if the sale, you will ask for a toothbrush and he will ask about it and the intent. he will get to know your situation, and you'll leave with a dental appointment for the black teeth, a doctors appointment for the potential problem going on, some dental floss, some mouthwash, and a new camera for the pictures of you smiling once you use all of it.

A AI will sell you what you need, but a salesman will find out what you want, even if you don't realize it yet.

Which is more important to a company, selling a toothbrush or selling the whole array of products the sell because someone was looking for a toothbrush.

Go listen to some Zig Ziglar. It'll change your life man, and make you less emo along the way.


RobXSIQ t1_je1z5nr wrote

actually AI and especially AGI has the potential of helping out poor nations far more than the current world. robotics and access to quality intelligence in remote regions, along with massive advancements in medicine along with huge price reductions will increase their livelyhood and longevity rapidly. I don't know if OpenAI will lead those charges, but open source models are becoming more advanced by the day.


RobXSIQ t1_je1xu3f wrote

Follow the trends closely. find every niche that pops out and jump on it. use AI to the fullest extent. Be aggressively useful in all areas. Thats all you can do.

And yes, we will eventually need UBI, but until then, don't just sit and cry. Its a gold rush for now, but the gold will eventually be shooting out like a volcano until it no longer has meaning, but until then...get your hustle on.