
Revolutionary_Fee282 t1_j6fsxka wrote

Reply to comment by AnnaFlaxxis in NJ Cat owners by biiillyyyyyy

You know bags are not banned for customers right? Store can't give you them in NJ or they get fined (Except for exempt types, i.e. chinese food and some others) but there is no ban on customers using them.


Revolutionary_Fee282 t1_ixfwzxt wrote

When Covid happened I ended up working from home so much I went desk shopping and couldn't find anything I liked for reasonable price, so I just made my own. Very simple, no drawers, but I didn't need much more than a basic desk. Bought a precut and finished 60" piece of butcher block countertop at Home Depot, a set of legs on amazon and a can of stain. Cost me about $250 and 2 hours of time (Most of which was letting the stain dry). Ended up with a simple desk but far more sturdy than anything I could buy for much more money.