
Redrump1221 t1_j8ogq0w wrote

They do this to phones (especially Iphones), printer cartridges, cars and just about any other product they can get away with. Digital rights management software is preventing people from using devices they bought under the premise of copyright and safety. The farmers feel it the hardest but everyone should be aware that everyday you have less rights to use the things you bought just so some CEO can give himself a 20 million dollar bonus instead of 10 million y seedling you a subscription to something you bought.


Redrump1221 t1_ixryhj1 wrote

Lots of restrictions actually incliding what you state. Also costs of the equipmemt/engineering/maintenance, physical limitations of loading equipment, fueling infrastructure(most trucks are diesel electric), making the trucks intuitive to drive ( autonomous loading isnt quite there in most scenarios).

I dont have much you can read (maybe check mining magazines). I think most manufacturers keep stuff like this secret since the shareholders would be angry if they stagnate.


Redrump1221 t1_iu0plcj wrote

Have you gotten any threatening emails/texts/calls from students you taught/mentored and how was it handled? I ask because a recent news report at U of A showed a disturbing amount of negligence on the part of the dean when it was brought to their attention. All the warning signs were ignored before a shooting.