
Ratatoski t1_jcwqq8r wrote

Yeah true. I tried to ask it for a few lyrics in the style of bands I love and while it tries it falls noticeably short. It's far better at coding, and then mainly at common well documented tasks. Ask it for something niche and it'll immediately start to fail without even noticing.

I like that Bing provides sources though. Makes it easier to vet the answers and to read up yourself and learn. But GPT is better for the way I use it.


Ratatoski t1_j2dd2q3 wrote

If you care for her I don't think it's fair to keep her locked into a relationship with someone who is indifferent at best towards her. Especially not if she may want kids. And honestly our seems like you are doing worse and worse in this dynamic as well.

You could seek out therapy for yourself, either to sort out your feelings about her or generally working on your mental health. But if you realize the horse is dead it's no use to keep beating it


Ratatoski t1_j2cj5qt wrote

You need some shelter and food. This is starting to look like a survival situation. Women's shelter or homeless shelter if you don't have family

Since you know he has the capacity to strand you like this I'd not worry about keeping the relationship. He's not a safe person.

If he continues to ghost you he effectively stole your possessions, I'd talk to police about that.


Ratatoski t1_iuuuv6b wrote

Reply to comment by 912-3487 in [Image] The Maturity Climb by raytanwl

There's a goat at the top studying a huge pile of books saying "knows nothing". The one at the bottom only thinks they know everything while the one who is actually very well educated is humble. They didn't really make all of these obvious at a quick glance