What is a neckbeard? I have a beard, it grows where it grows, I sometimes have the vanity to groom, oftentimes, I’m just too busy to visit the barbers.
Thing that gets me is the people who pretend to be children by shaving on the regular, it’s weird, you have a beard, who told you not to grow it.
It makes you look less intelligent… to coin a phrase
RandomiseUsr0 t1_jeh2cp3 wrote
Reply to What is up with the neck beards? Like, no mustache ,clean lined half beards. Is it a point of pride or something? by Stanwich79
What is a neckbeard? I have a beard, it grows where it grows, I sometimes have the vanity to groom, oftentimes, I’m just too busy to visit the barbers.
Thing that gets me is the people who pretend to be children by shaving on the regular, it’s weird, you have a beard, who told you not to grow it.
It makes you look less intelligent… to coin a phrase