
RW3Bro t1_jcz08ft wrote

This is largely the doing of the State legislature’s Black caucus. They held up legalization for years in a political climate where both the leftists and moderates/liberals agreed it was the right thing to do, because the Black Caucus wanted the first licenses to be reserved for Black people. The State did what was legal in reserving them for “justice involved individuals,” but the damage was done and the rollout has been slow as all hell because of it.

Here’s a 2019 write up from the NYT about it.


RW3Bro t1_jcr2ba9 wrote

You keep calling me misinformed and regurgitating product facts (that I never disagreed with) instead of engaging with my point, which is that your tests are not a useful safety tool unless the tested mixture is homogenous - which cross-contaminated powders would not be.


RW3Bro t1_jcns7hi wrote

I don’t doubt that your test detects fentanyl extremely accurately in whatever it samples. But that’s only enough to make a determination about the 50mg which is consumed by the reagent test. There are 950 untested milligrams remaining, of which 10mg is enough to kill.


RW3Bro t1_jcnogmv wrote

Your website recommends testing 50mg. Fentanyl’s LD50 is a little less than 10mg. Are you really saying that testing 5% of a gram is enough to make an informed decision when 1% is enough to kill? What about the other 95%?


RW3Bro t1_jcniqdl wrote

Again, you are offering a binary test. That doesn’t detect the strength of fentanyl in a substance, only the presence. That’s not useful for powder drugs because there are 950mg of untested substances and it’s not helpful for pills because it doesn’t detect hotspots. It’s irresponsible to say that this will reduce harm for the average weekend cocaine/ketamine user.


RW3Bro t1_jcn3tj6 wrote

You don't have to cite literature, I've done more than my fair share of reagent tests during my partying days.

You're misunderstanding me though. I agree with you that the tests will tell you whether there's fent in whatever you use them on. My point is that's only useful for a press which (usually) has (some) consistency in how the active ingredient is distributed, but not for a powder where there's zero way of telling whether the rest of the bag is cross-contaminated.

That said, I also don't think they're particularly useful for pills. They won't tell you whether there's a hotspot in what you're about to consume; only whether there's fent. And anyone buying pills off the street these days already knows they're cartel presses which contain fentanyl. Putting your life in the hands of the Sinaloan hillbillies that make these pills is foolish and inexcusable unless you're already deep in the throes of addiction.


RW3Bro t1_jcmbe19 wrote

The only thing this works for is pressed opiates. If you’re doing nose drugs there’s absolutely no way to test 50mg (likely less) and be sure the other 950mg are safe when it takes just a few milligrams to kill someone without tolerance.

Don’t give people a sense of false confidence with this test kit shit. It only works for presses. You should not be doing coke right now if you care about your life.


RW3Bro t1_j64j3n6 wrote

The ULURP exists because of the damage that Robert Moses’ development did to the city, and he wasn’t solely concerned with profit. You’re off your rocker if you think giving land use powers to developers (whose only incentive is to make profit) or an agency in their pocket would result in anything besides the little people getting crushed by those with access to serious capital.


RW3Bro t1_j38oj80 wrote

I don’t care if you trust me, I’m just sharing an opinion that’s informed by a breadth of experience which I’d hazard is larger than most people’s.

It’s also suspicious how many people (namely Kesey and Leary) who were involved with turning LSD into the cultural juggernaut it became in the 60s and 70s had ties to intelligence services or their experiments. Many of the villains of the time period (Kaczynski, Bulger, Manson, and Sirhan) were verified or rumored to be connected as well, but it’s impossible to have a sober reconciliation of what happened since the CIA had those files destroyed.


RW3Bro t1_j2c1xm9 wrote

I guess maybe if they’re bricking it in the vac seal, but why would they do that? It’s not like they’re hard up for space upstate and they don’t need to smuggle it anywhere obviously.

Anyone have any background on Florist Farms? Are they legacy guys or new people?


RW3Bro t1_j2bjjby wrote

At 10.5g for $170 that’s the equivalent of $450 an ounce.

Given what you’ve described about its quality (non-white ash, poorly cured, lacking flavor, grown outdoors), that seems like a very, very bad deal. You can get a pound of similar quality from the West Coast for like $300. I just don’t see who’s gonna shop here unless they’ve been unable to find a decent weed dealer in this city.


RW3Bro t1_j2bfdok wrote

Weird, never encountered weed that hardened up when dry. Normally just gets dusty and crumbly in my experience.

Also don’t love to hear that the ash isn’t white. I’ve always heard that’s a sign it hasn’t been flushed properly.


RW3Bro t1_j0i7flg wrote

My issue isn’t with the Midwesterners who want to move to one of the crown jewels of humanity. As long as NYC is what it is, that demand will always exist on an enormous scale.

My issue is the developers that would in an instant, no matter the objections of the community and their elected representatives, build over everything that makes this city great and slap up yet another cheaply-constructed building if it’d make them a quick buck.

Tearing down neighborhoods to put up grossly overpriced gentrification buildings with a small allocation for “affordable” housing will never put a dent in this city’s housing supply-demand dynamic, much in the same way that building another lane on the highway doesn’t reduce traffic.

So yeah, I don’t blame the people who want to move here, I blame the developers who’ve bribed our past two mayors to the point of wholly owning them and shown nothing but scorn for the people who actually already live in Brooklyn, Harlem, and Queens.