
RShuk007 t1_izpxx5b wrote

InsightFace uses resnet50-100 or ViT-B/L as best performance, that's a deep model that understands a lot of things. It seems because of the lack of synthetic cartoons in the training, the model does not learn whether face is human but instead whether face has human proportion/shape/topography?

You can check this out by implementing


On your models. These papers come under explainable ai, a field that tries to explain where the models look at to make decisions for the final decisions. In this case I can see it looks at the T region and mouth to make decisions, when occluded it only looks at the T region with the eyes, lower than usual resolution of real images does not seem to change the attention of the model. This indicates a lacking of texture and understanding of human face texture and details

I can see this using a custom package I developed for my work, however I can't show the results here due to confidentiality.