
RJFerret t1_jea3lf5 wrote

Milk pan, abbreviated "mp" is part of the metric system, hence not being taught to most Americans.

Ten times smaller are individual egg pans, or "ep".

Ten times larger you've got pizza pan, aka "pp".


RJFerret t1_je31v0v wrote

Of course not, since no threat to your life or property based on trespass alone.

Some states do have the "Castle Doctrine" though.

If someone trespasses, the legal procedure is simply inform them and request they leave (either the way they came, or shortest direction off your property). On municipal property or some reservoir property it may be a misdemeanor for which you may be ticketed if found in violation by an officer.


RJFerret t1_je2ppe6 wrote

Different laws in different states, mine, sign or fence.

Booby traps aren't allowed because different categories of entrants, guests expect safety, so do emergency personnel like paramedics/firemen, then postal workers have property access rights too. Trespassers have least, but still can't indiscriminately kill them for no reason.


RJFerret t1_jdpnnka wrote


Keys always stay/go same place no matter what.
Dates on calendar annual repeat.
Simplify, always do annual doctor appointments same time each year.
Associate things. Need to remember to take something somewhere? Put in on your shoes so you can't put them on without it being there.
Medication in the way of toothbrush.
Routines, no first glass of water in the morn without meds. Then get breakfast.


RJFerret t1_jbt9jzv wrote

If oil/maintenance is not horribly expensive where you are, tank replace only.

I switched to gas a few years ago to reduce maintenance and fuel cost but already had gas line.

Electric heat pumps are improving and starting to include resistive heat for colder conditions. I'd not invest in them now necessarily, but in a few years.

If you are planning on doing solar at some point, then.


RJFerret t1_j5ddxph wrote

But also there was no practical goal to the occupy movement, they literally were having meetings to try to come up with goals to present to media. It was funded apparently by a company from Vancouver, Canada, people were being bussed in and provided tents and sleeping bags, but no indication what to represent. It's not like they were for or against anything, and different groups came up with different things, like bank regulations, we want food and access to bathrooms while we're here, or we're the 99% (whatever action that's supposed to represent).

When I was trying to figure it out I figured follow the money, and I never was able to figure out why a Canadian company was invested and promoting it. Maybe just as PR for themselves locally? *shrugs

Looking at the Wikipedia page on it now, there's nothing really different.


RJFerret t1_j2cfjg5 wrote

Taking care of any tent is the important part. Obviously no sparks near it.

But don't wear shoes inside, do use a ground cloth underneath and avoid sharp surfaces beneath. Be kind to zippers, don't yank/rush them.

After use, clean it out before packing up, and make sure to dry it out completely before storing.

Even cheap nylon tents from the 1960s are as good as the day they were bought.

PS: If needed, seam sealant too.


RJFerret t1_iy3tkw3 wrote

Meanwhile my doc prescribed a high dose, which I take right before bed, no sleep/wake impact at all. Similarly, my SO was prescribed even higher, no "awakeness" impact.

If you're having a reaction before the substance has even made it to your bloodstream, never mind brain, it's likely not due to that substance, but a placebo effect.

That said, continually taking it results in better consistent levels--rendering it meaningless when it's taken as it's always in your bloodstream in sufficient amounts.


RJFerret t1_iudimkw wrote

Less a TIFU than growth. Next caring person you'll recognize their feelings and be in a more mature place yourself to respond in kind and not have arguments but compatibility.

It can be messy learning how to relationship. But the progress and growth along the way aren't screw ups, they are growth.


RJFerret t1_ityfpvf wrote

Sharpening techniques, especially combined with machine learning processing can de-blur things, also pixelated blurs have been undone if not too extreme. The best is fully opaque black instead of manipulating the imagery, as manipulations may be reversed.


RJFerret t1_isf44x0 wrote

Reply to comment by darkrave24 in Dishwasher keeps going by Atlantic76

Typically there's a separate connection but the pipe in the wall is shared, there isn't an entire separate pipe running all the way back to the heater, second set of holes through allstuds/joists, twice as much material, etc., never seen that. That's why they're on a shared wall or near commonly.

You run the hot in the sink near the washer, to replace the room temp pipe water with hot, doesn't matter if washer's directly connected, once hot comes from the sink, the pipe's filled too.

It matters even more with newer washers that use less water as a greater proportion is what was in the pipe versus gets there from the tank.

You can also tell by opening the washer door as it fills, it'll be hotter then.