
RJC02134 t1_jeac0e2 wrote

According to the Patriot Ledger from Oct 7, 1976, p. 17, the Town Counsel discovered that self-service station owners were planning to throw out the repair side of gas stations turning them into "back-door monopolies" on the part of the oil companies. This would deny gas station lessors of repair income. So the town decided to use zoning to prevent self-service gas stations. I am assuming this is the rule to this day.


RJC02134 t1_je9n4n1 wrote

I grew up in Weymouth and graduated from Weymouth North High School. So I saw that station on Washington street across from The village cemetery built by BP. They obviously anticipated that the permit to have self service was just a rubber stamp, or something along those lines. I have a suspicion but this is just my guess that the town council didn't appreciate the way BP operated In building the self service without prior approval from them and therefore guaranteed it would never be approved. That was over 50 years ago and Weymouth Massachusetts to this day does not have self service. I no longer live in Weymouth and haven't since 1978 with a few exceptions so I no longer have to worry about buying gas there.