
QuintoxPlentox t1_j8ngekx wrote

Well sure, but usually when someone says some random celebrity is a giant piece of shit, as opposed to a turd, which is less aggressive and not really where this comment chain started, they're usually talking about sexual assault or something of that nature. It's still bad, but he did fuckin die from it so like... he paid for it I guess? I'm just kinda tired of the reddit hive mind telling itself when it is or isn't okay to hate someone.


QuintoxPlentox t1_j8mf8x9 wrote

A lot of people didn't want to take COVID seriously and treated it like it was some kind of liberal talking point, some people distrusted the media and didn't want to believe a pandemic could happen in their lifetime. Does this make all of those people giant pieces of shit? Nah, I don't think so. Misguided I think. So no, not triggered. It wasn't about me.
