
QristopherQuixote t1_jec7yct wrote

Logic errors? Hahahaha sure buddy.

Read the article. It was an experiment in automated enforcement. It was not meant to be permanent. The community did not change the law, only the enforcement model.


QristopherQuixote t1_jea1zmk wrote

I went off hospital equipment prices. I wasn't aware of this. Thank you for the reference.

By comparison, these look like you could put together a "research grade" EEG setup for under $5k.

For the sort of data needed to extract imagery, it would have to be a high resolution signal. I don't know if it is even possible yet. Some mentioned taking word fragments and producing generated imagery, but that's very different from "recording" imagery from someone's brain.


QristopherQuixote t1_je9o0rv wrote

The problem is translating neural signals to images. Our firing patterns are unique. We have over 80billion neurons and over 500trillion synapses. Decoding brain signals into high resolution graphics would be hard.

The work around would be training. If we are shown known videos and images it is more likely a system could learn a brain’s signals. However, I don’t think it would be possible to use a helmet off the shelf and get it to work.


QristopherQuixote t1_je9ko9g wrote


QristopherQuixote t1_je9id8o wrote

Private companies cannot issue traffic citations and charge whatever they want. A civil infraction has to come from a government entity with statutory limits on fines and the money has to go the government entity. Most camera systems are bid out to and implemented by private companies on behalf of either a state or local government.


QristopherQuixote t1_je9hpny wrote


QristopherQuixote t1_je9g68n wrote

In the OP case, automated enforcement was based on the amount of water passing through a homeowner’s meter and the usage pattern. Pretty simple implementation of automated enforcement without many ways for it to screw up, and people still hated it.


QristopherQuixote t1_je9dyze wrote

People seem to really hate automated enforcement of anything, including traffic cameras. If you break a law, it shouldn’t matter how you’re caught. If we can automate enforcement, compliance will improve over time and costs for enforcement go way down.

Imagine how many fewer traffic accidents we would have if enforcement were automated. If people knew they could never speed, run a light, or go through a stop sign without being fined, they would start behaving. However, this idea is extremely unpopular.


QristopherQuixote t1_jdvwwt2 wrote

Reply to Fruitboard? by CertifiedPo

How are keys like this to type on? I spend all day on my keyboard and I want a nice smooth sculpted strike point on my key caps. It would seem the raised stems and bits would be irritating.


QristopherQuixote t1_jct97m7 wrote

In the Western world, all denominations of christianity are declining. However, Catholicism is declining faster than most protestant denominations and certainly the large ones. Catholic Churches in the US are closing much faster than any that are opening with the total net closure rate in the double digits.

Medieval Catholicism is out of step with the modern world. While it is unclear when it will happen, the pope will become irrelevant everywhere except maybe the developing world later this century.


QristopherQuixote t1_jahhs4s wrote

Whoa! Escaping from a lab? That is a hypothesis without support. No one knows how it was introduced, but we do know that it wasn't engineered. Any naturally occurring virus could have infected humans while being studied in a lab. We'll never know.

AI isn't sentient. There's no skynet, etc. AI systems are not going to infect the internet and take over. This is science fiction for now. No one even has a reasonable approach to make AI sentient. Every attempt so far hasn't even come close.

Most AI systems are task based. You train them, given them input, and they produce results. There is no consciousness involved.


QristopherQuixote t1_jaa9dha wrote

We are more likely to be able to grow and 3d print teeth with stem cell grown pulp and nerves. Modern dentistry would become live tooth replacement as opposed to fixing decayed teeth. Multiple biotech firms have already started prototyping this approach.

The risk of selectively turning genes on and off to grow new teeth are numerous. First, cancer... did I say cancer? Second, older humans don't have the same tissue resiliency, and it is possible if not likely gums may be irreparably damaged by growing new teeth. Finally, the teeth themselves may not develop properly, multiplying the risk for things like orthodontics, TMJ, partial tooth repair, etc.

A tooth that is grown to perfectly fit the existing socket and mouth mechanics that could be successfully transplanted appears to me to be the next best option.


QristopherQuixote t1_ja7cs7y wrote

While the closest most people in the US, including myself, have come to experiencing a true famine is watching sad commercials on TV, disasters that could result in the loss of half the world's population are just getting started. Extreme weather, unrecoverable drought, fires, disease, loss of arable land, loss of habitat are all problems that have been accelerating rather than getting better.

Water crises will be one of many battles over resources. South Africa has had cities run out of potable water. While these issues have been addressed, this problem is growing in Africa. In the US we are seeing new water wars emerge between states, including areas in the southwest wanting to drain water from the Great Lakes. Many wars have been fought over land, water, and natural resources. We are going to see more issues in places that can least afford these conflicts, and we will see other problems in developed countries like the US where some regions become nearly uninhabitable.

I think many people have climate fatigue when we should be seeing more climate panic. I think we are in for a great deal more global pain before the world does what is necessary.


QristopherQuixote t1_j9y76yl wrote

The risk of an accident skyrockets for drivers over 80, with only teenagers looking worse. We need better screening for anyone over 70. We also need better public transport for the elderly.


QristopherQuixote t1_j9v3qox wrote

This is total bullshit. Unless the air is flowing through the charcoal, the bags of charcoal might cover up the smell but they will not remove the chemicals. Byproducts from 3d printing can be toxic, and you should not breath them for extended periods of time.

You can get a small fume extractor from Amazon used for soldering and have it extract the airborne chemicals. However, that might be insufficient. You could find a decent one for less than $100.

There are extractors available specifically for 3d printing:


Allowing 3d printers to run in the open air might be a violation of work safety rules, and you might be able to insist on a full enclosure with a filter for the 3d printers to safely and fully remove the smells/chemicals from the printing runs. If you have a work safety steward, I would raise your concerns with that person. If not, look for the work safety office for the state where you live. I live in Michigan and the state office is MIOSHA


Every state has the equivalent.


QristopherQuixote t1_j9as2p5 wrote

The water might be safer if the xrays damage or kill bacteria present in the water or on the bottle. Water is unaffected by Xray radiation.

With respect to the materials, xrays don't modify metals. Xrays over time will change plastic polymers, but the amount, duration of exposure, and intensity are more than a medical xray. Multiple forms of radiation including UV light will modify or break polymer bonds plastic over time. This is why plastic tends to "bleach" in the sun and turn white and powdery as they degrade. Bury plastic underground and it will last a very very long time.

I can't see how an xray would do anything to a water bottle that would affect its safety.