QE7 t1_izxh1fd wrote

Yes, there a large differences in roost and habitat selection between species, and available habitat for maternity roosts is thought to limit the distribution of most species. Many will use trees or rocks as roosting locations in the summer. In winter some species (e.g., myotis species, tricolored bats) hibernate in caves or mines, while others migrate to Mexico or even further south (e.g., hoary bats, silver haired bats). As for human structures, big brown bats are the most commonly associated species, in fact they rarely will use natural roosts. They are commonly found in cites and urban areas, and they tend to crowd out other species by direct (i.e., echolocation jamming) or indirect competition. Little brown bats and a few other myotis species (e.g., myotis volans and myotis evotis at higher elevations) also commonly use buildings in western North America, and some speculate they may have expanded their range into prairies and very cold regions by following European settlers. Finally, tricolored bats commonly roost in culverts, while Grey bats and Mexican free tailed bats commonly use roost under bridges. Bats are amazingly diverse and complex animals.