
PumpkinPieIsGreat t1_jdlhygk wrote

I'm not sure if cutting off social media is the solution. I think it will help but I think the big problem is your self esteem right now. Even if you aren't comparing yourself to others, there's gonna be that voice in your head telling you that you can't do anything good.

I think you need to channel more time into looking for work - (which is also totally soul sucking, many places expect way too much (lots of experience even at entry level) or they don't even bother to let you know it you are hired or they ask ridiculous interview questions.) I think part of your issue is that you feel bad about yourself right now.

The other thing is maybe getting some fresh air more, look after yourself, make sure you drink water and go on walks.

If you do want to stay on social media try looking at other things. Tell yourself you'll allow X amount of time looking at reading content, and the rest you can look at recipes or other categories.

Read what you actually want to read. Get rid of the notion of "having to" and "essential read" and decide for yourself what YOU like, not what you think you have to read.


PumpkinPieIsGreat t1_jdlhilj wrote

Studies show time and time again that it depresses people yet "we" all seem to use it. If you don't it's considered weird. It confuses me. Why do I need to see someone's dinner or read their little anecdote about what happened during their phone call? It's absolutely whacky and I don't think it brings people together at all!


PumpkinPieIsGreat t1_jdlgcgl wrote

I've enjoyed certain books more than I think I normally would. Example, as a palette cleanse, if I've read a tonne of thrillers and then need a change, I will probably like the next book I read more than I otherwise would.

I also think some books have come along at the right time, organically.

I have tried reading Christmas books at Christmas, but haven't tried reading a book about road trips on a road trip. I like that idea, but I think I enjoy being able to be present in another world without having to go anywhere. I can sit on our couch or in our bed and read and jump into a whole other world.