
PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jbr5qkp wrote

My neighbor paid $233,000 for his one bedroom/bathroom 619 SQ Ft "house" in 2020, really it is an old summer cottage from the 70's. According to most websites it's now worth $303,000. We live in the South Shore area. Just trying to give you an idea of what the market is like in Mass right now.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jbmjdqb wrote

Your take is hilarious and based on fantasy. Want to make it harder to be a cop, absolutely, claiming that has anything to do with child predators is hilarious. Civil service exam, background check, drug test, physical fitness test, psychological exam, police academy that lasts 3-6 months depending on the state/department. If that isn't enough hurdles to stop someone who is simply looking for victims, then having a degree wouldn't be either. A GED also gets you a job at Chuck E Cheese or the local batting cages, for without all those hurdles and way more access to potential victims.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jbmgxyf wrote

So again, show me how people with only a GED are more likely to be child molesters. Someone please make the connection because I don't see it. Is their some data available? Because the problem in this story is a child molester.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jabjktq wrote

Where did I say I was "thirsty" to see boobs? I said thet nobody should have a problem with this business existing. I don't even know where this town is because it's so far away from me. So I'm certain I'll never be there. I wouldn't drive more than 15 minutes to buy weed or see boobs. 🤷


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jab5yr7 wrote

Unfortunately that's not how a discussion works. The person who makes the claim, you, is the one with the burden to prove the argument. If I say "hey there are 150ft salamanders outside" it is my job to prove that statement, not to then require others to provide different information to somehow back up my original claim. 🤷


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_jaamzd6 wrote

The strip club is already in the neighborhood, so any affect it had on residential housing nearby has been dealt with. Marijuana is a legal product and business, so if that somehow affects your neighborhood anymore than the 10 liquor stores do, it's a problem with the people who live in that neighborhood. In the last 3 years, while marijuana has become legal, housing prices across most of the Commonwealth have skyrocketed.


PsychologicalAgent64 t1_j8yq4w1 wrote

Did you not see the part where she specifically mentioned 495 and being able to make quick trips into Boston. Makes you wonder why I would focus on Eastern Mass huh? But who knows maybe she'll move to North Adams and enjoy the almost 3 hour drive one way. But hey, you are right, I'm wrong, you win the internet for today.